Benzanilide from Aniline

Synthesis of Benzanilide from Aniline

Aim: To synthesize Benzanilide from Aniline, calculate its melting point and percentage yield.


Insertion of benzoyl to aniline moiety termed as benzoylation reaction. 10 % NaOH added to neutralize HCl and it also increase the rate of reaction.

Chemical: Aniline 3 ml, Benzoyl Chloride 6 ml, 10% NaOH 45 ml, Ethanol 6 ml, Cold Water 10 ml 
Apparatus: Weighing Machine, M. P. apparatus, Conical Flask - 250 ml, Measuring Cylinder, Funnel, Filter Paper, Poly Bag

1. Add Aniline and NaOH in to a conical flask. Dissolve it completely.
2. Add Benzoyl Chloride in to flask.
3. Heat it on boiling water bath for 15 minutes.
4. Add cold water in to the preparation, and a solid was formed.
5. Filter it and recrystallized it using ethanol. 
6. Weight and Melting Point was calculated.


93 gm aniline formed benzanilde = 197 gm
3.12 gm formed = (197/93) * 3.12 =  x gm

Theoretical Yield =  x gm
Practical Yield= y gm
% Yield = (Practical Yield/ Theoretical Yield) * 100
=  (y / x) * 100

So, Percentage Yield was = .........
and Melting Point was = .........

Benzanilide from Aniline was prepared and melting point and percentage yield was calculated as ...... and .... % respectively.



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