Hydrolysis of Starch by Salivary Amylase - PAPC
Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology -Practical PAPC Aim: To study hydrolysis of Starch from salivary amylase. Reference: 1. R ao. G. Devela. ‘A Manual of Practical Biochemistry’. Birla Publication. PVT LTD. Delhi. Second Edition. 2008. 04-10. 2. Chaudhari M.R. et.al. ‘Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology’. Nirali Prakashan. Pune. Thirty Fourth Edition. 2018. 3.1 – 3.14. 3. Indian Pharmacopeia. ' Ministry of Health and Family Welfare'. Indian Pharmacopeia Commission. Gaziabad. Vol I. 888. Requirement: Chemical: Strach, Salivary amylase diluted, 0.1N Iodine Solution, Acetic Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Phosphate buffer 6.8 pH, Distill Water etc. Apparatus: Test Tube, Beaker, Water Bath, Watch Glass, Test Tube Holder, Glass Rod. Principle: Enzyme are responsible to regulate rate of reaction and Amylase break down Starch to simple sugar. On digestion of starch chracterstic inference will not be observed. Procedure: > Take 4 test tube with 1 ml of 1 % Starch so...