Sennoside Isolation

Isolation of Sennosides from senna leaves

Aim: To isolate sennoside from senna leaves.


Biological Source: Senna obtain from leaves of plant Cassia angustifolia and C. accutifolia belongs to family: Leguminoceae.
Senna contain mainly chemicals such as anthraquinones, anthrone and dianthrone. Other chemicals such as sennosides A and B, present in at least 2.5% concentration.
It mainly used for purgative action in condition of constipation.
Soxhlet apparatus used for continuous extraction process and may used for direct heat sensitive drug.
The process of extraction is continuous so, it is also known as Continuous Hot Percolation method. 

> Senna Powder Leaves (50 gm)
> Solvent (Distill water 250 ml)
> Soxhlet Assembly
> Weighing machine
> Heating Metal
> Evaporator
> Beaker, Piece of Cotton, Filter Paper


To isolate sennoside from senna process is as follow:
1. Add a small light cotton piece in inner site of thimble where capillary is introduced.
Weigh out 50 gm of powder leaves and put in to thimble. Cover powder with Filter Paper.
2. Add solvent in to assembly slowly. And start heating metal at about 100 oc.
3. Liquid boils and continuous extraction process started.
4. Stay out assembly for about 60 minutes. Extraction is carried in Round Bottom Flask.
5. Evaporate the liquid obtain from above process to obtain powder drug which is sennoside.
6. Collect the powder and labelled.  


Weight of powder taken A = 50 gm
Weight of isolated powder B = g gm

Percentage Yield= (B/ A) *100

The sennoside was extracted from senna leaves. The percentage yield was find as x %.


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